We are closed for the Season. We will re-open on May 1, 2025.
Our phone has not been registering voicemail over the past two-three weeks. We think we have this fixed, but if you have called and left a message and are expecting a return call, we apologize for this inconvenience. Please email us at: Chris@mayflowergreenhouse.com
Gift Certificates are available via phone. Please call us at 920-869-2045. If you get voicemail please leave a message and we will call you back. You can also email me at: chris@mayflowergreenhouse.com and I will respond as soon as possible. We can send gift certificate directly to whomever you wish, so this is a great idea for last minute gifts!
The webstore is temporarily closed. We will bring it current to reflect inventory and correct prices soon. The payment feature is currently disabled.
If we are not answering the phones during business hours please email us at: mayflowergreenhouse@gmail.com for Janusz and chris@mayflowergreenhouse.com for Chris.
Mayflower Greenhouse
726 Airport Drive
Hobart, WI 54155